Volume 13 No. 2 March – April, 2008 ROMANIAN BIOTECHNOLOGICAL LETTERS – an international journal – CONTENTS 1.SELVAMOHAN, A. PALAVESAM, G. IMMANUELMolecular Characterization of Escherichia coli isolated from estuarine environment by multiplex PCR and RAPD analysis ……………36162.NARCISA BABEANU, O. POPA, NICULINA GHEORGHIŢĂ, CATALINA VOAIDES, PETRUTA CORNEA, MARINA PAMFIL, A. VAMANU, NELA ZAMBILA, E. VAMANUThe influence of various microbial bio-products, for bean crop, on biological activity of the red preluvosol soil ……………36213.MARIANA CARMEN CHIFIRIUC, CRISTINA LARION, CARMEN IORDACHE, MARIANA LIXANDRU, OLGUTA DRACEA, CORALIA BLEOTU, MARCELA BUCUR, ANCA MICHAELA ISRAILInfluence of soluble mediators upon the expression of different physiological and virulence hallmarks of bacteria ……………3627 4.NICULIŢĂ, SILVANA DĂNĂILĂ-GUIDEA, OANA LIVADARIU, ESOFINA RISTICI, MONA POPA, M. RISTICI, A. PATROI, M. NEGOITATesting the effect induced by the simultaneous treatment with magnetic field and laser light field, modulated at audio frequencies, on colonies of Alternaria alternata ……………36375.MARIANA CARMEN CHIFIRIUC, MARIANA LIXANDRU, CARMEN IORDACHE, CORALIA BLEOTU, CRISTINA LARION, DRACEA OLGUTA, VERONICA LAZAR, FELICIA ANTOHE, ANCA MICHAELA ISRAILInternalization of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacterial cells by non-phagocytic, epithelial human cells ……………36436.AURICA SOARE, GH. CAMPEANU, N. ATANASIU, GH. VOICUResearch reference to establishing the degree of suitability of some types of soil for the green pepper crop in the field ……………3650 7.M. GEETHA, M.H. FULEKARBiophysico – chemical treatment of pesticide wastes in effluent treatment plant ……………36558.GABRIEL – ANDREI VIZITEU, ALEXANDRU MANOLIU, IOSIF ANDORData concerning the yeasts microbiota from Cotnari vineyard ……………36609.DUCA MARIA, CĂPĂŢÂNĂ ANA, LEVITSKY ALEXEIAspects of sunflower genotyping based on SSR markers …………… 366510.DUCA MARIA, CĂPĂŢÂNĂ ANA, BARBACARU NICOLAEThe estimation of heterosis effect based on some molecular indexes (RAPD) at sunflower 2. The genetic distance – breeding factor in obtaining of productive hybrids ……………3671 Cover: The Bucharest University Building