Volume 7 No. 5 September – October, 2002
– an international journal –
1. | MARINA T. NECHIFOR, I.F. DUMITRU, DIANA DINUShock Proteins | …………… | 877 |
2. | R.V. MALBAŠA, E. S. LONČAR, L. J. A. KOLAROVL-Lactic, L-Ascorbic, Total and Volatile Acids Contents in Dietetic Kombucha Beverage | …………… | 889 |
3. | GHEORGHE DUCA, CORNELIU ONISCU*, ALIONA MEREUŢA CORNELIU COJOCARU, MARIA GONŢAMathematical Modelling and Optimization of Synthesis Process of Dihydroxyfumarate Acid Sodium Salt | …………… | 895 |
4. | ORTANSA CSUTAK, D. FOLOGEA, TATIANA VASSU, RALUCA GHERASIM, ILEANA STOICA, DIANA SMARANDACHE, ELENA SASARMAN, ANA-MARIA NOHIT, OANA IFTIMEElectrophoretic Karyotyping of Some Yeast Strains Isolated from Oil-Polluted Soils | …………… | 905 |
5. | I. AL. CREANGĂ, ANA ANDREEA ARTENI, C. MOCĂNAŞU, D.E. CREANGĂ, D. MIHĂILESCUGamma Radiations Effects on Catalase and Assimilatory Pigments in False Acacia Seedlings Grown in Forestry Nursery | …………… | 913 |
6. | DAN CASCAVAL, CORNELIU ONISCU, ANCA-IRINA GALACTIONSeparation of 6-Aminopenicillanic Acid by Reactive Extraction | …………… | 920 |
7. | OANA ADRIANA JINGA, O. OPREA, D. JINGA, LAURA BANCU, MAGDA DINCULESCUComplex compounds with thioxanthene drugs | …………… | 929 |
8. | C. ONISCU, ALIONA MEREUŢA, D. CAŞCAVAL, GH. DUCASelective Separation of Organic Oxyacids from Aqueous Phase by Reactive Extraction | …………… | 941 |
9. | D. CASCAVAL, C. ONISCU, ANCA-IRINA GALACTIONModelling of Selective Separation of Mixture Obtained by Penicillin G Enzymatic Hydrolysis | …………… | 951 |
Cover: The Bucharest University Building